lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

Xena: Conversor de imágenes, audio, texto a formatos libres

Prueba del movimiento internacional de adopción de estándares libres y su eficiencia ,puede ser el hecho de que cada vez surgen más proyectos vinculados al software libre auspiciados y empleados por organismos públicos internacionales.

En este caso traigo al blog un proyecto que me parece sumamente interesante, es el proyecto Xena del los Archivos Nacionales de Australia, del gobierno Australiano.

La idea de este software es muy sencilla: recoger los ficheros que tengamos almacenados en cualquier directorio que queramos y convertirlos de modo automático (manteniendo los originales) a un formato libre equivalente (flac, png,...) , ya sean ficheros comprimidos, de audio, imágenes, correo electrónico,....

Para ello requiere, únicamente, tener instalado java (versión igual o posterior a la 1.5) y openoffice (2.0 o superior), al estar implementado en java es compatible tanto con sistemas Linux, Windows,....

Simplemente os bajáis de la página del proyecto el software y hacéis doble click sobre el fichero xena.jar para tener acceso a la aplicación de la imagen.

Para facilitaros las cosas os copio a continuación los formatos con los que trabaja y el tipo de fichero al que lo convertirá; eso sí, en inglés.

Ya sabes, si quieres convertir tus mp3, wav,.... de forma sencilla y totalmente desatendida, échale un vistazo a este proyecto

Format Conversion

During the process of normalisation, Xena will convert the following file types to the specified open format.
Should Xena be asked to normalise a file format not yet supported, the process will fall back to binary normalisation.

Archives and Compressed Files

GZIPThe archive is un-compressed and the resulting file is processed as normal.
JARAll files are extracted from the archive and normalised into a separate Xena file. A Xena index file is created, which when opened in a Xena viewer, will display the files in a table.
MAC BINARYThe archive is un-compressed and the resulting file is processed as normal.
TARAll files are extracted from the archive and normalised into a separate Xena file. A Xena index file is created, which when opened in a Xena viewer, will display the files in a table.
TAR.GZWorks as a combination of 'GZIP' and 'TAR'. The archive is un-compressed and the resulting tar file extracted to reveal individual files for processing.
WARAll files are extracted from the archive and normalised into a separate Xena file. A Xena index file is created, which when opened in a Xena viewer, will display the files in a table.
ZIPAll files are extracted from the archive and normalised into a separate Xena file. A Xena index file is created, which when opened in a Xena viewer, will display the files in a table.


AIFFConverted to open format, FLAC.
FLACAlready in an open format, so processed as binary.
MP3Converted to open format, FLAC.
WAVConverted to open format, FLAC.


SQLStructured Query Language files are processed as plaintext wrapped in XML.


CSV/TSVComma and Tab Seperated Values based files are stored as a special case of plaintext.
DOC/PPS/PPT/XLSMicrosoft Office documents are converted to the Open Document Format.
HTMLConverted to XHTML.
ODS/ODP/ODTFiles in the Open Document Format are preserved as they are.
RTFRich Text Format is converted to Open Document Format.
SYLKThis spreadsheet format is converted to Open Document Format.
SXC/SXI/SXWStarOffice formats are open, but are converted to the newer Open Document Format.
TXTStored in plaintext wrapped in XML.
WPDThis Word Perfect format is converted to Open Document Format.
WRIMicrosoft Write files are converted to Open Document Format.
XHTMLStored in native open XHTML format.
XMLStored in native open XML format.


MBOXMailboxes are converted to individual XML files and a Xena index file is created which will display the files in a table when opened with Xena viewer.
PSTMailboxes from Microsoft Outlook are converted to individual XML files and a Xena index file is created which will display the files in a table when opened with Xena viewer.
TRIMMessages from TRIM are converted to XML and a Xena index file is created which will display the files in a table when opened with Xena viewer.


BMPBitmap images are converted to the open format, PNG.
CURWindows cursor files are converted to PNG.
GIFConverted to PNG.
JPEGStored in native format.
PCXConverted to PNG.
PDFStored as binary.
PNGStored in its native open format.
PSDPhotoshop files are converted to PNG.
SVGScalable Vector Graphics files are XML, so preserved as is and wrapped in Xena XML.
TIFFConverted to PNG with embedded metadata stored in Xena XML.
XBMConverted to PNG.

Page Description

CSSStored as plaintext wrapped in XML.
ScriptsAll scripting files are stored as plaintext.
XSLTStored as XML.

Página del proyecto:

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Gracias por la aplicación. Es muy interesante.