viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Uva: Cost Cutting 11727

package pkg11727costcutting;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    byte casos,i=1;
    short medio,sal1,sal2,sal3;
    Scanner leo = new Scanner(;

        sal1 = leo.nextShort();
        sal2 = leo.nextShort();
        sal3 = leo.nextShort();
        System.out.print("Case "+i+": ");
        if (sal1>sal2)
            {if (sal2>sal3) System.out.println(sal2);
            //sal1>sal2 sal3>sal2
             else if (sal3>sal1) System.out.println(sal1);
                    else System.out.println(sal3);}
        else {if (sal1>sal3) System.out.println(sal1);
            //sal1>sal2 sal3>sal1
            else if (sal3>sal2) System.out.println(sal2);
            else System.out.println(sal3);}



Segunda solución (más rápida) /*
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package pkg11727costcuttingb;

import java.util.Scanner;

* @author Juan

public class Main {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    byte casos,i=1;
    short medio,sal1,sal2,sal3;
    Scanner leo = new Scanner(;
        sal1 = leo.nextShort();
        sal2 = leo.nextShort();
        sal3 = leo.nextShort();
        System.out.print("Case "+i+": ");
        if ((sal1>sal2 && sal2 >sal3) || (sal3>sal2 && sal2>sal1)) System.out.println(sal2);
        else if ((sal1>sal3 && sal3 >sal2) || (sal2>sal3 && sal3>sal1)) System.out.println(sal3);
        else System.out.println(sal1);

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